Product Description
Activated carbon filter for pure air
- Filters out a wide spectrum of harmful gases and odors
- Healthy air protect alert warns you when to replace filter
- Healthy air protect lock ensures healthy air always
- Easy-to-install filter
Compatible Models | |||
AC4014 | AC4072 |
ACP073 | AC4074 |
AC4083 | AC4084 | AC4085 | AC4086 |
Product Details
Note: This is a Non-Returnable product hence kindly check model before ordering.
In doubt? Please hit the search box of this website and add the air purifier model for which you need to order the filter and find your right fit.
Feel free to drop a message on WhatsApp and we will be happy to serve you for any issues relating to the product or we can find you a right fit.
Estimated Order Processing Time:
12 to 24 hours (except for public holidays)
Estimated Delivery Time:
Metros: 2 - 5 days
Rest of India: 3 - 7 days
(Due to region specific lockdown and curfew regulations, delivery timelines maybe impacted)
Replacing the Filter
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