Caution: Please hire a professional engineer qualified to install the top plate assembly.
Top plate assembly for Philips induction cooktop model HD4928
100% Original Induction Cooker top plate assembly
Please Note: Changing top plate assembly requires technical expertise. Only an expert should be changing internal spares as errors in fixing the induction cooktop may lead to product failure, electric spark or potential injury. Kindly reach out to an expert for the purpose of repairs and replacement.
The product only includes top plate assembly as exactly shown in images and no other internal or external parts of the induction are included.
This is a Non-Returnable product hence kindly check model before ordering. This will only fit the model mentioned above. No other models will work with this so kindly check the mixer model before you place the order.
In doubt? Please hit the search box of this website and add the mixer model for which you need to order the jar and find your right fit.
Feel free to drop a note and we will be happy to serve you for any issues relating to the product or we can find you a right fit.
Estimated Order Processing Time: 12 to 24 hours (except for public holidays)
Estimated Delivery Time:
Metros: 2 - 5 days
Rest of India: 3 - 7 days